Aquatic Classes
Master Swim
Swim coach-directed workout that will help you stay in shape, perfect for your swim stroke, and is great for Triathletes! Master Swim is led by Coach Andy Cipriano and Erica Bergstrom.
Sessions begin every calendar quarter on:
January 1
April 1
July 1
October 1.
Day | Start Time | End Time |
Monday | 5:45 AM | 7:00 AM |
Wednesday | 5:45 AM | 7:00 AM |
Friday | 5:45 AM | 7:00 AM |
Saturday | 7:00 AM | 8:45 AM |
Water Aerobics Classes
Arthritis Motion
Slow moving class that uses stretching techniques for joints and muscles, while working on strength, flexibility, and balance.
Water Movement
Moderate paced water exercise class that uses equipment to create more resistance.
Water Warriors
Contains components of running, swimming and deep end aerobics to be structured to the class participants. Comfort in the deep end of the water is highly suggested. Please make sure to bring a bottle of water to stay properly hydrated.
Day | Class | Time | Location |
Monday | Joints in Motion | 7:30 AM | Leisure Pool |
Monday | Heart Racers | 8:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Monday | Strong30 | 8:30 AM | Leisure pool |
Monday | Aqua Yoga | 9:15 A.M | Leisure Pool |
Monday | Water Warriors | 6:00 PM | Lap Pool |
Tuesday | Heart Racers | 7:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Tuesday | Deep Water | 8:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Wednesday | Joints in Motion | 7:30 AM | Leisure Pool |
Wednesday | Heart Racers | 8:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Wednesday | Strong30 | 8:30AM | Leisure Pool |
Thursday | Heart Racers | 7:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Thursday | Deep Water | 8:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Friday | Heart Racers | 8:00 AM | Lap Pool |
Thursday | Water Warriors | 6:00 PM | Lap Pool |
Friday | Joints in Motion | 7:30 AM | Leisure Pool |
Friday | Strong30 | 8:45 AM | Leisure Pool |
Lifeguard Training, Retraining, & WSI Class
Lifegaurd Training
Lifeguard training is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond
to emergencies in and around the pool and water park environments.
Participants must successfully complete the following pre-requisites:
Pay a $275.00 fee
Complete a 300 yard swim using front crawl and breaststroke.
Tread water two minutes using only legs.
Swim 20 yards, retrieve a 10 pound brick from the deep end and swim back to the shallow end with both hands on the brick within the given time limit.
Upon successful completion of water skills and written exam, participants receive certification in ARC Lifeguard and Waterpark skills (including CPR/1st Aid). The certification is valid for 2 years
Lifeguard Re-Certification and Review
Participants must be currently Red Cross certified to participate. Contact the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center to schedule a training date and time. Fee: $100
WSI (Water Safety Instructor) Class
The ​WSI (Water Safety Instructor) Class prepares and certifies participants to teach American Red Cross swimming and water safety. Participants are trained to teach courses to swimmers of all ages and abilities. The WSI Certification is the gold standard and is the most comprehensive training for swim instructors.